* Coming soon to SMK Disney – Star Tours Ride *

For anyone who has seen the amazing Disney tribute rides that have been built in Second Life, will be excited to hear about the new Star Tours ride being built at SMK ( Sarah’s Magical Kingdom)

SMK Disney Star Tours

SMK’s Disney Star Tours Entrance

As of right now you can get a message from R2-D2 letting you know this ride will be coming very soon. So, stand by.

And until this ride opens, Sarah’s Magical Kingdom still has many other rides that you can enjoy right now. I’ll link below where I previously wrote on this park.


And here is the Taxi straight to SMK


Toodles , till next time

* Pandora Universe – Na’vi Planet Avatar *

After doing a bit of random hopping and searching. Some how I found this, which was an awesome surprise.

And I bring to you-

Pandora Universe – Na’vi Planet Avatar




Anyone who has ever seen the movie Avatar. Will already know what you might come across upon visiting. Everything you might be thinking is probably completely correct.


This whole area is filled with so many amazing colors.

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Beautiful plants,

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and animals.

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There are so many areas you can walk through even little paths that may seem hidden.


Climb through the levels of a giant tree, see where the Na’vi people sleep, eat, meditate, heal each other, along with many other wonderful sights.


Its amazing being able to immerse yourself into this movie. Everything has been brought to life.


I really loved being able to see the floating mountains. Such an amazing place.

Once you get to the floating mountains, its so beautiful up there. Just make sure not to fall off.

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You can also check out the human area, to see the machines that helped the humans turn into the Na’vi people.


Along with the rest of the items used by the humans.

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These are only a few of the things you can see as you explore this area. Make sure to wear the explorers tag from the entrance. Before you tp into Na’vi territory. Don’t want to be a threat to the Na’vi people, who you can run into while you are here. This is also a great spot for photos, I can’t get over how amazing the colors are. So vibrant.

I really hope everyone takes a moment out of busy days or night. To do a bit of wandering around Planet Avatar. You will  not be disappointed.

Catch you guys next time.

Taxi \/


Happy Exploring, Till next time

Toodles TTFN ~!!!

* Enchanted Tiki Room *

So, I spent this last weekend out doing birthday things. Which was an awesome time. Got back and found out one of my favorite places had added a new ride!!!

Very excited-

Welcome to Magicland’s new


The Enchanted Tiki Room ~!

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I had posted about The Tiki room before it was finnished in an earlier post of my tour around Disney Sim’s in Sl. So, I am happy to post that everything is finnished. It’ll take you back, because everything is perfectly matched to the ride itself. Kristie Beck and the other builder/creators have done an amazing job.

Directly to the right of the Tiki Room, you can even grab yourself one of the amazing Pineapple Whips, and the best part unlike the real Disney parks you will not be waiting an hour until you get one of your own. Gotta love that 😀

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After you step through the entrance way of The Enchanted Tiki Room, next to the stairs you will see a small Totem make sure to click on the little guy. He is there to pre-load all of the sounds & music for the ride, and without clicking on him you wont be able to get into the Tiki Room.

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When you step inside find your self a seat along one of the four walls, there are benches set up around the room.

Once the doors close your lovely host will come in and let the birds know they have guest waiting.

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Sit down, sit back, and enjoy this wonderful show.

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Of beautiful colors, very talented birds,

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some lively singing flowers,

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and even a few totems join in.

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This only gives you a slight preview of this amazing show. Everything in here works like clockwork, and brings back some great memories. If you get the chance swing on by to check out the new amusement at Magicland Park.

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Taxi to The Enchanted Tiki Room \/


And if you would like to see my previous post on Magicland Park , you can find it here ~



Happy exploring-

Toodles ,  till next time

* Early Halloween *

My most favorite time of the year in Second Life is Halloween. I love all the rides, costumes, decorations, and all the creepy hunts that pop-up. So since I’ve been missing it I’m throwing up a Halloween location.


This place is great the, first stop is going to be The Haunted Mansion.

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I love this ride, just brings back so many great memories from Disney.

On the right side as you start walking towards the mansion, there is a giant spooky pirate ship you can also check out.

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And if you continue down you will head straight for the Haunted Mansion.

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 Just like the real life ride, you can find the entrance with the tombstones along with a waiting time sign ( but you wont be waiting hehe).

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Besides the Haunted Mansion there are 3 other spooky areas to explore. The next one we’ll visit is The Zombie Hunt.

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And this is just as it says a zombie Hunt. Now to get through the gate their are a couple things you need to know. So don’t miss the big red sign to the left of the gate.

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They also supply you with a free Hud and free weapons so you can take out these crazy blood thirsty zombies.

fallowed with a dark maze you can wander through. Enter the little green hallway to the left of Zombie Hunt.

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You can also find Lucien Asylum

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Step inside this spooky Asylum if you dare.

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And last but not least you can ride the Bannon’s Vanisher.

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An old abandoned thrill ride, step on at your own risk.

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I love this area, gives you a taste of Halloween all year long. So when you need a spooky escape you can always head out to this location for a killer time.


I hope everyone has a great time checking out this early Halloween pick. See ya next time.-

Happy exploring-

Toodles , till next time

* Enchanted Adventures Theme Park *

With it being summer time. I have been a bit busy with vacations and actually enjoying the weather. Which I do not have the chance to do all year round. So, being in the spirit I’m putting out a theme park post ~!


And today were going to The Enchanted Adventures Theme Park !!!

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This place is great, I’ve been to this park a few times over the years. I held off for a while on posting, because I know they have been doing a HUGE restoration of the entire park. Everything about this place looks new and wonderful. So, I was excited to jump in and see how it looks.

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Right outside of the landing point there are train tracks that lead around the entire park, from the looks this may still be under construction. But, looking forward to hopping on once its finished.

When you head out the front doors, you can walk your way down to the Main Street entrance. First time here? No problem walk to the gazibo in the center and you will find a map of the park, to help out with what you can do here. 😀

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Walking down Main Street, you will find plenty of shops filled with great items. From stuffed characters toys, actual character avatars, snow globes, clothing, and many other wonderful creations.

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On the right side a bit down the street you can even find the magical cinema, step on in to catch a flick on Oswald.

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There’s even a small arcade with many different games to play, even wack-a-mole. And the main beauty you see at the end of the street of course is. The magical castle!!!

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Now, when you walk through the park there are a few different ways you can go. If you decide to go straight through the castle, you can explore the inside. At the top there are beautiful paintings from all of the favorite Disney movies. And, if you head to the back of the castle there is a lovely carousel.

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Finding my way around the carousel. I come across a beautiful garden filled with Alice in Wonderland.

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This area has three different areas, you can head to the right and see recreations from the movie.

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Go straight into a maze, and head to wonderland.

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Or go left and fallow the caterpillar through Wonderland.

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And, next to the Alice in Wonderland right you can even wander through the Red Queens Castle.

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In Enchanted Adventures you can also find a Spooky Haunted Mansion.

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Near the mansion you will also find a very large Pirate Ship, along with a fishing spot.

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There is also a Mysterious Island,

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Either choose to walk along this walkway near the pirate ship. Or, take the scenic boat across.

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If you are a bit more adventurous you can turn left at the boat landing and see where this tunnel leads you.

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At the top of the Mysterious Island, you can find a Balloon ride. Which takes you on a tour of this beautiful park. Inside the Volcano is definitely a mysterious place. Filled with danger signs and bright colorful lights.

I really had a lot of fun running around Enchanted Adventures. This place has changed and grown so much since the first time I was here. And, I cant wait to see how much it grows in the future. So, get your family together and swing on by, it’s so much fun.

And beyond what I’ve shown in photos here, there are plenty of things left to explore and experience.


Happy exploring-

Toodles , till next time

* Never Grow Up *

This post hits a little closer to home. A couple days ago I had watched the movie Hook, which I have loved since I was little when it first came out. I can bet I wore out the VHS that it was on, from all the replay.


So, I thought hmmm…. I wonder if there is anything Peter Pan or Neverland related in Second Life.

At first I had found post from the early 2000’s on a Peter Pan themed location, but sadly it no longer exists, and the second place I found was on MJ’s Neverland Ranch. All which are wonderful, but not exactly what I was searching for.


Then to my surprise, I found a place called The New Neverland, Never Grow Up Adoption’s, and I was super excited. Haha really I almost felt like a child again.

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Turns out that my Uncle Scorch (Scorch Lundquist/Warrior) is a Co-Owner along with his family: Elisa Lundquist (wife), Jess Marie Lundquist (daughter), and Ama Kaira Arkright-Optera (mother-in-law) who all help run this location. Along with the builders/employees who have done and amazing job : Kiddo Figga Arkright ,Drewcifer.Woodrunner ,Serenity Remsen . Majority of the building has been done by : Drewcifer.Woodrunner , and Kiddo Figga Arkright. Who by looking at every detail added to this SIM, you can tell heart was definitely put into this location.

 This New Neverland is set up amazingly they even went off a map from the book to make the location as realistic to the book as they could. Also worked on the water ways trying to make them as accurate as possible.

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When you first land you are greated by every character from the story that you love Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinker Bell, Capt. James Hook, and last but not least Mr. Scheme . To the left in the ocean you can see Capt. Hook’s ship which in the future could host some awesome dance parties aboard ( Def. looking forward to that), amazing Gacha events for the future, paintball, and greedy games also.

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Something a bit different here than other locations, but still holds true to Peter’s story. Helping out the Lost Boys. This destination is also an Adoption agency named Never Grow Up (which fits this area perfectly). So, for anyone looking to adopt or even being a foster family this is a great place to head to, with panels for orphans and parents. They also have a medical area for anyone needing a bit of help with the little ones.

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As, I walked around from the entrance the first area I found myself looking at is a small bunker where you can play paint ball. I’ve never played before but knowing that its here, I think I may have to try it out.

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Next I found a bunch of shopping kiosks down this path, filled with plenty of childrens clothing and different items. A lovely place to go if you are looking to by your little prince or princess something new.

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Not too far from the Kiosks is also a Building with shops and some Gacha machines.

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There are some cute little camps and tents set up, with a small pillow out front saying (Goodnight Moon)

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And, campfires throughout the SIM.

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Towards the far end from the entrance, you will find yourself in front of the beautiful log cabin home, for all of the children.

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Out front there is a wonderful play area and jungle gym.

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As, you walk through the front door you see a very large front room, where a T.V. will be placed. For family movie’s and game nights.

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Walk to the right and you will see their beautiful kitchen and cafeteria. Soon, the entire SIM will be all 100% Life HUD compatible. Creating a more life like environment, and making everything more realistic. Where eating, sleeping, bathing are all necessities to stay healthy or the life meter starts to go down.

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Also on the first floor of the cabin you will find the rooms for Senior and Jr. guards. They are here to watch over all of the children and make sure they stay safe, so nothing bad happens to them.

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Next fallow your way up the gorgeous spiral staircase upstairs, where you will see a lovely open room. Upstairs you can find the children’s rooms. Both decorated one for boys and another separate room for the girls. The beds are these adorable little ships, they even have a small wheel so they can pretend to be sailing across the seven seas.

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Each of the rooms also has a patio, with cute telescopes so the kids can stare up at the nights sky star gazing.

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The other side also has a very large veranda with a beautiful fireplace, to keep everyone all toasty warm.

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Right outside the log cabin you will find a rope bridge that leads to a large hill, and another rope bridge that fallows up to this beautiful floating island. with old ruins, a small fire pit. Looks like an amazing area to sit around and tell ghost stories 🙂 .

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Besides the amazing landscapes. I love the beautiful mountains and volcano’s you can see in the distance, along with the glassy water surrounding the island.

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The other amazing aspect of this location, if you are looking to adopt or foster a child. They have a process to set up the right child with the right family. To make sure that everyone meshes well and will get along with each other. Which I think is very important when it comes to adopting, want to make sure everyone gets along together 🙂 .

Things are still being built up on the island, so what I’ve shown here are not the only things you will be able to find. Like always I leave things open for you to explore. I hope everyone takes a moment to get fly back into childhood and take a trip to Neverland. I know I love the motto “Never grow up”, its simple and true.

But, you are only as old as you feel.


Happy exploring-

Toodles , till next time

P.s.- Keep in mind next month they will be hosting a huge bazaar and gacha event. Make sure to check it out, everyone loves Gacha’s 😀

Theme Parks Part -4 – WED World – Kingdom of Animals

And now for my second post on WED World, this time we’ll be taking a visit to The Kingsom of Animals. I love this park its takes you through so many places. Get to visit Asia, Africa, a Dinoland, and also Kritter Country.


Welcome to The Kingdom of Animals ~

Kingdom of Animals

Kingdom of Animals

As you take the first steps into the park, directly on your right is a guest relations area. With a bit of info about the park, an events board on different things coming up, and also a map so you can find your way around.

Guest Relations

Guest Relations

Directly after Guest Relations, you walk through a beautiful garden of winding pathways, and make sure you look everywhere. Because the area is filled will all kinds of different animals, just like this cute tortoise.



As you walk out of the garden area you will be able to see the most prominent feature in the park, it marks the center and will always be in view. The Tree of Life, and all a long the trunk are different animals upon the bark. Its very beautiful.

Tree of Life

Tree of Life

If you go to the left you will find your way into Kritter Country, Where you can take a ride on Splash Mountain, the set up is perfect. Another one of my top favorite rides to head out too.

Splash Mountain

Splash Mountain

In the same area, there is also a Winnie the Pooh ride, a Tigger bounce, Piglets story time, and Owls Tree house.

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Dinoland is another area to explore, there is The bone yard jungle gym, a few games to to play which are pretty fun. The Dinosaur ride which at the moment is being built and I am very excited to see when finnished. If you do not mind a bit of spinning check out the Primeval Whirl which is also a lot of fun.

Dinoland U.S.A.

Dinoland U.S.A.

The next visit is into Africa into the welcoming village of Harambe.

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Where you can check out the shops take boat ride around the Tree of Life.

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Or check out and go out on an actual Safari into the African Wilderness. Don’t worry its completely safe. Plus your out to save a baby elephant from poachers.

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After all the adventure, hope your not tired yet. Because when you head over to Asia

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You can take a trip through Mount Everest and view the mysterious Yeti.

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Just have you keep on the train tracks.

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Without giving away every detail of the Kingdom of Animals. I hope you take the time to head over yourself, to view the sights, animals, and all the amazing rides. Which there are more than I have placed on here. So, what ya waiting for take a trip right now. I know you wont regret it!

And, next time I’ll have something a bit different posted up 😛


All of WED World  is owned and created by Trevor Sleydon, he is one of the nicest people I have come across in SL, very open and welcoming person. You can find him at the parks pretty often, he is very involved with any happening going on. So, if you see him walking around or have any questions don’t be afraid to approach him I’m sure he will have no problems helping you find something or answering a question. He might even join you on one of the many rides.

* Just to note these parks are not affiliated with Disney in anyway, nor do they create any earnings out of these parks. Any donations brought in are put right back into the parks to keep them running. If you love these places as much as I do toss them a few L’s to keep them up & running. Its always sad when anyone’s favorite place shuts down, so lets help keep them going :)

Toodles , till next time

Theme Parks Part -3 – WED World -WEDCOT Center

And, I’m back for another installment of Second Life Disney parks. Its so nice that there are creative Disney fans, who have taken their view point on their favorite parks, or favorite rides. And recreated them in SL for everyone to enjoy, for most of us who are not close to the actual parks we can still enjoy them in-world.


WED World- WEDCOT Center & Kingdom of Animals - Sky View

WED World- WEDCOT Center & Kingdom of Animals – Sky View

As you can see by the picture above WED World is a much larger park, with plenty to explore. It is actually made up of two theme parks in one. Really fun, there is WEDCOT Center which has the giant globe you see (which is also a ride) rides about the land, sea, and imagination. Also the World Showcase in WEDCOT brings you to different areas of the world, where you can view different cultures and have fun on a few rides while learning something new.

Entrance of WEDCOT Center & Kingdom of Animals

Entrance of WEDCOT Center & Kingdom of Animals

The conjoining park is just as amazing it’s The Kingdom of Animals, where you can visit Asia, Africa, Dinoland, and Kritter Country. Each area is different and can make you feel as is if your actually traveling through Africa to start a Safari.



With how large WED World is I’m going to split this into two separate post’s which only seems right since there really are two parks inside of the on sim of WED World. When you first land  its just like the actual park you get off the Monorail and head down the walkway to your destination. And the first area I’m going to write on is –

WEDCOT Entrance

WEDCOT Entrance

WEDCOT Center !!!

Just like the other Disney inspired parks, I love this place just as much. I can’t even say how many time I have actually been here. Countless , I try to stop at WED World on the weekends for their parade’s for both parks, the fireworks, and sometimes there is even a story time. Which is a lot of fun sometimes its accompanied with Disney trivia.

Valentines Display

Valentines Display

This is the display in the middle of the park the parades follow right in front down the street. As you can tell I was here around Valentines day. The great thing is no matter what holiday, there will be decorations around the park. It always looks amazing.



Like my other park post’s I’m not going to put everything in here to take away from exploring things for yourself. In the center of The World Showcase there is a small lake, you can take a ferry from one side of the park to the other. Its a nice peacefull ride and a complete view of the other countries in the World Showcase.

World Showcase

World Showcase

If your the type that gets a bit queezy from being on the water, and can’t find your sea legs. 😛
There is also a way to walk around the Showcase. I’ll be posting up a picture of the different Countries and just a little info on each location. The rest I’ll leave up for you to discover.



Our first stop in the World Showcase is Mexico. I’ve always loved how this building looks, and I have memories of the real one. Every time I would walk past there would always be a cool breeze which was really nice on a hot day in Orlando.

 You can step inside and everything is very festive, there is a nice relaxing boat ride where you can learn a bit about the culture.



The next stop is China, I’ve always loved the Architecture of the buildings, their just so colorful and amazing. Next to this beautiful structure there is a really fun trampoline, but be careful it’ll bounce you up pretty high.



Next stop Norway. This has always been my all time favorite stop I love everything about it, the set up, the shops, but most of all one of my Favorite rides is here. The Maelstrom



On this awesome Norwegian boat tour. You get to learn a bit about Norway’s history and the fables about different types of trolls.

Maelstrom Waterfall

Maelstrom Waterfall

Careful, dont want to end up at the bottom of the falls~



And, right next door is the U.S.A. Pavilion where you can step inside and learn a bit of history on the United States, and if you fallow upstairs there is a video The American Adventure. There is also a lovely Carriage outside right now, looks like a perfect spot for a picture. This area has also been a spot where story times have been held in the past. It does move from time to time, everyone in the park is very helpful don’t be afraid to ask if unsure. 🙂



Next stop Morocco. This is a great place to snap a few photos along the way. You can try out some authentic Moroccan dishes, learn a bit of belly dancing, and wander your way through the winding store paths. Its beautiful, I love this area.



And the last of the World Showcase, but certainly not the least is the town-side of England. There is one of the famous red phone booths, a classic pub, little shops, and

Alice in Wonderland Maze

Alice in Wonderland Maze

an Alice in Wonderland Maze, make sure not to lose the White Rabbit. 😛

Now that we’ve gone through parts of The World Showcase, its onto the fun, science, imagination rides.

Journey into Imagination with Figment

Journey into Imagination with Figment

This ride Journey into Imagination with Figment, is such a great memory from my childhood. I love that I can still get to see it as often as I’d like here in SL. I wouldn’t want to take any of the fun out of this ride for those who have never been before. So I’ll just leave this as a great trip back into childhood, defiantly not something to pass up.



There is also Horizons which takes you on a wonderful trip throughout history, creations, and possibilities for the future.

The Land & The Seas

The Land & The Seas

Here we have The Land & The Seas

In The Land Pavilion there are a few things, there is a Lion King Circle of Life video to watch learning about environmental needs and how we can help. There is also the ride SOARIN’ which takes you on a hang-gliding tour all over the place from the Golden Gate Bridge to White water rapids. And a calming boat ride ,Living with the Land teaches all about greenhouses, gardening, and even where our prims come from (hehe) . There is also a restaurant to get a bit of relaxing from running all over the park.

In The Sea’s you can take a tour through the ocean on the ride The Seas with Nemo and Friends. on your trip into the ocean while seeing many different sea creatures you are on a search to find Nemo who has gone missing. There is also an aquarium that you can view at the end of the ride. Very beautiful area, love being able to look at and learn about so many different aquatic animals in one area.

I havent put everything that you can explore , ride, or encounter throughout WEDCOT Center. There is also the Spaceship Earth ride in the Giant Globe near the entrance, do not miss out on that one either. All of WED World  is owned and created by Trevor Sleydon, he is one of the nicest people I have come across in SL, very open and welcoming person. You can find him at the parks pretty often, he is very involved with any happening going on. So, if you see him walking around or have any questions don’t be afraid to approach him I’m sure he will have no problems helping you find something or answering a question. He might even join you on one of the many rides.

WEDCOT Entrance

WEDCOT Entrance


And next time I’ll be back With The Kingdom of Animals 😀

* Just to note these parks are not affiliated with Disney in anyway, nor do they create any earnings out of these parks. Any donations brought in are put right back into the parks to keep them running. If you love these places as much as I do toss them a few L’s to keep them up & running. Its always sad when anyone’s favorite place shuts down, so lets help keep them going :)

 Toodles , till next time




Theme Parks Part -2 – Magic Land~

And now back for the Second theme parks post 😀

This post is going to be covering all of Magic Land. This had to be the first Disney inspired SIM that I came across after I joined Second Life. I love this place, everything about Magic Land is great. And this wonderful tribute park was created by the wonderful Kriste Beck & Pixie Ella, These two are such wonderfully kind and amazing people to come across. They tend to be around during many of the events run through the park. Like the parades and fireworks along with many other activities. There is a board near the entrance for upcoming events, do not forget to grab your brochure to stay updated. After landing on the SIM, you are set right outside the entrance. It looks very close to the actual park, walk through the little tunnel which on the walls are landmarks to a few other Disney inspired parks, and a note card on what to do if you want to wear a character costume through the park. Just so other guest do not confuse you as someone who works for Magic Land. Right now Magic Land is celebrating being in SL for 5 years. They have special events and parades going on. There are parades and fireworks here every weekend they have an events list you can checkout in the front of the park, and also the group sends out note cards to keep you updated on events and if characters have been spotted walking through the park.


Magic Land Entrance

Magic Land Entrance

And after you step through the little tunnel, there will be City hall to the left of you. Inside City Hall you can get a map, a few souvenirs, and cute Mickey hats 🙂 . Theres also a contact area along with through out the park (trashcans) that you can click on for security if you ever find your self being troubled or greifed by someone.

City Hall

City Hall


Now that you have your Mickey Ears on , time to start checking out the park. The first area you are going to come across,  will be Main St. There are different shops that you can checkout and items you can purchase, along with a minny theater with Mickey movies playing.

Main St.

Main St.

As you walk your way down the street passing little shops headed towards the Castle.

Cinderella's Castle

Cinderella’s Castle

Once you reach the front of Cinderella’s Castle, There are a couple different ways that you can go. If you turn to the left in front of the Castle you will find yourself headed towards Adventure land & Frontier land. Down these paths you will find The Enchanted Tiki-Room (under-construction),  The Jungle Cruise, and Tarzans Tree House in Adventure land.

Adventure land & Frontier land

Adventure land & Frontier land

Fallowing down Frontier land you will come across shops that resemble the old-time wild west era. You can take a ride around Tom Sawyers island on the Mark Twain ferry boat. Or you can take a wooden raft and run around Tom Sawyers Island exploring the caves. There is also an area where you can catch the Disney Railroad that fallows around the outer skirt of the park.

The Mark Twain & Tom Sawyer Island

The Mark Twain & Tom Sawyer Island

Head under the Railroad bridge and walk up the hill, you’ll find yourself in The Hundred Acre Woods. There’s a Heffalumps & Woozles maze, you can explore Owl’s and Poohs home, plus a couple other attractions.

The Hundred Acre Woods

The Hundred Acre Woods

But, if you would have taken a right at Cinderella’s Castle , you would find yourself in Tomorrow Land.

Tomorrow Land

Tomorrow Land

This area is all about the future and what’s to come. There are a lot of rides in this area, two of my favorites are Star Tours which takes you on a ride and puts you right in the Star Wars movies. The other favorite is Space Mountain, a roller-coaster that sends you flying through space ( its pretty quick, make sure you hold on tight).

Star Tours

Star Tours

The other attactions you can check-out are : Circle Vision, Carosel of progress, Captain E.O., The People Mover, Astro Orbiter, Autopia, 20,000 leagues under the Sea,

Carousel of Progress, Space Mountain, Captain E.O.

Carousel of Progress, Space Mountain, Captain E.O.

And, also in the same general area is The Matterhorn. A roller-coaster that takes you up into a mountain on a bobsled flying past angry Yeti’s. Or hop on the Monorail and take a ride around the park.

The Matterhorn, Autopia, 20,000 leagues under the sea

The Matterhorn, Autopia, 20,000 leagues under the sea

It you went straight through the tunnel under Cinderella’s Castle you’ll find yourself right in front of a sword in the stone. You can try your luck at pulling it out, you never know maybe you’ll get it out and become the king or queen 😀

Sword in the Stone

Sword in the Stone

This areas behind the Castle is Fantasy land, where everyone’s childhood memories of our favorite Characters or Princesses are. You can take a ride on Snow Whites Scary Adventure, And sometimes one of your favorite Characters might be around to take the ride with you 🙂

Snow Whites Scary Adventure

Snow Whites Scary Adventure

Take a flying ride on Dumbo’ the flying elephant , or a boat ride through Storybook land where you can see what your favorite characters have been up to, and right next door take a ride on Casey Jr. Circus Train.


And last but not least for Fantasy land, which may be everyone’s old time favorite is Its a Small World. For everyone who knows this ride needs little explanation. But for everyone else, on Its a Small World you are taken on a boat ride traveling through different areas of the world. As these little doll’s sing and dance to the music. Getting a look at different cultures and languages.

It's a Small World

It’s a Small World

So, now you’ve seen a few areas that you can visit while spending time in Magic Land. Like always I haven’t shown everything. I never want to take away from the surprises that fall along every corner. This is a wonderful tribute to The Magic Kingdom. They also change the decorations during the holidays , and right now they have an area set up for the movie Frozen. This was the park that I had been Snow White after first joining Second Life, I just hadn’t had the time to keep it up on a regular basis. But, it is still one of my favorite places to go too.

Me as Snow White

Me as Snow White

And with this picture I’ll end my second Disney park post. Anyone who loves anything Disney or The Magic Kingdom. Should head over this way, I think everyone will be pleasantly surprised with how close it resembles the actual park.


In my next post I’ll be following up with the other Disney Inspired park, which is WEDCOT that is set up like Epcot, and a separate area like The Animal Kingdom.

* Just to note these parks are not affiliated with Disney in anyway, nor do they create any earnings out of these parks. Any donations brought in are put right back into the parks to keep them running. If you love these places as much as I do toss them a few L’s to keep them up & running. Its always sad when anyone’s favorite place shuts down, so lets help keep them going :)

 Toodles , till next time